Sunday, November 1, 2009

Post-Halloween Roundup

Well, Halloween was yesterday and as you can see from the above photo, Zoë got to play a little bit of dress up. We took her up to Clarkesville for their big Halloween in the square event. Unfortunately it was raining and quite cold, but we braved the elements nonetheless and showed Zoë off. Zoë enjoyed all the attention she got from the complete strangers as well as seeing all the others in their goofy outfits.

We ran across our friend Clint, who owns Pets Gone Wild and took the time to get some pics of Zoë with some rather large snakes. They had a whole host of them available up there.

Zoë spent a good portion of the evening tucked away in Grandma Toni's shirt. You can't really tell from the pictures but she spent the majority of that time licking Toni's zipper.

After the event we went to dinner with Toni, Lisa, Danny, and Darcy. A good time was had by all.

We also went and had professional pictures taken of Zoë yesterday (though not in costume). We should have some of those back within the next 2 weeks.