Okay...maybe it is a day early, but I doubt I will manage to find time to get on the computer tomorrow. Zoë will have a full day of lots of people and lots of food. This ought to be an interesting day tomorrow.
Currently, our ever growing giant baby is running amuck and terrorizing the cats. With a washcloth on her head. She actually woke up in a good mood today, the past two days she has tried my patience in ways previously unimaginable. For example, she has reached that point in her life she hates diapers. So, she takes them off. Monday, I put her down for a nap. And upon hearing her talk to herself 30 minutes later, I decided to check on her. What I found was a very clean diaper in the middle of the floor and a VERY messy room and Zoë. She had finger painted....and not with paints. Needless to say, because of that incident, we are pushing full force on the whole potty training aspect of her toddlerhood.
She is still trying to figure that part out though. I have heard that pulls up training pants tends to actually delay potty training by a significant amount so we have opted to go to panties and water proof pants. She LOVES her panties, especially her Ming Ming panties. And she is horrified when she has an accident. But she refuses to try and use the potty. When we try to show her how, she screams bloody murder because we are taking her panties away. And when we have to change them, oh my word, the kid goes absolutely insane with rage on us. The panties are a big deal to her. Just need to find a way to explain it where she understands I guess. Work in progress. No one ever said it would be easy.
She is pretty big for her age. Very tall and very skinny. She has passed 24 month old clothes because of how tall she is and is now in 2T. The problem is, she is too skinny so all her clothes tend to fall around her ankles unless it has an elastic strap. So, sweatsuits it is!
Her foot finally grew again as well, so I bought her some boots recently but apparently they are not to her liking because she hates to wear them. Too bad, they are absolutely adorable and they are retail $40 but I only paid $10. Yesterday, at Wal-Mart, I went to pick her up another pair of shoes since her size 6 are getting way too snug and she demanded, literally, to get the EXACT same pair she currently owns. She would have nothing to do with a different design. I guess she likes the pair she currently has a whole heck of a lot. Now if we can just remember to grab the right size!
I've thrown some new photos up on Flickr. All you need to do is click on the link on the right to view them. I hope to have some up soon. Where as we used to take 3000 pictures in one day, we've gotten to where we forget about the camera rather often. Not on purpose, I assure you. I hope to have pictures out in the mail the first of next month to the grandparents that don't get to see her often enough. Recent ones.
But for now, I need to get off here. It is way too quiet in the living room....